Note from the Editor

According to an AP dépêche, President Mubarak of Egypt "warned the United States that 'something would happen' 12 days before the Sept. 11" attacks. So, the Israelis knew, the Egyptians knew, but the US government did not. As Steve Gowans explains, this war is a fraud, indeed. Still, we make good use of Depleted Uranium (DU) ordnance again and Jeff Lindemyer provides a close look at the depleted conscience of those who use these unfathomable Weapons of Mass Destruction. It becomes clearer and clearer, as Michael Stowell shows, that this latest military intervention had long been planned. And once more, within some historical perspective, like in his last column, Sparrow, Stowell presents much-needed practical actions we all can take in our lives.

"Perhaps Americans will begin to see through the censored news and demand answers," ponders Deck Deckert with a hint of pessimism. The military-industrial complex has essentially devoured the last vestige of democratic hopes. This and the present events have rendered Gilles d'Aymery quite despondent, mostly silent day in and day out, and he confesses, scared shitless. But when he wakes up at 3 AM and finds his voice, even that of a fly-shit, it can be thunderous. Ambrose Bierce and Boris Vian, whose words are worth reading, may be supporting actors in this rendition but Matthew Barry is certainly not. Barry writes with wit and humor but he addresses a very serious matter, the separation of chuch and state, or whatever remains of it. As to Mile Tankosic, our latest contributor, he too uses humor to show the power grab taking place silently in Serbia. Eh, don't we have other fishes to fry, anyway? And Milo Clark, you'll ask (as you should), what is he up to? Actually he keeps at it, showing the patterns which connect. Indeed, if after having read Barry, Clark, Deckert, Gowans, Lindemyer and Stowell, you still do not see the patterns, then Swans will become submerged in an ocean of perplexity!

Please form your own opinion and do not forget to let your friends (and foes) know about Swans. It's your voice that makes ours grow.


Totally un-American Patriotism

Gilles d'Aymery:  Un-American, Fly-Shit Melody

"Since lives and liberties depend on clarity, not obfuscation, and upon reason, not hyperbole, let me take this opportunity to be clear."   More...

Gilles d'Aymery is Swans' co-editor and publisher.


Boris Vian:  Le Déserteur (The Deserter)

Mr. President
I'm writing you a letter
that perhaps you will read
If you have the time.   More...

Boris Vian, an unknown entity to most Americans, was an extraordinary man.


Cutting to the Chase

Stephen Gowans:  This War Is a Fraud

Washington has yet to present evidence that Osama bin Laden orchestrated the Sept. 11 attacks.   More...

Stephen Gowans is a writer, a political activist and a Swans' columnist.


Michael W. Stowell:  Decentralized Intelligence

There was a time, in the not so distant past, when common people had to guess at the plans and tactics of the ruling class.   More...

Michael W. Stowell is chairperson of the City of Arcata Nuclear Weapons Free Zone Commission, Humboldt County, CA.


Jeff Lindemyer:  Depleted Uranium or Depleted Conscience?

Yugoslavia president Vojislav Kostunica once remarked, "We could say those who used the infamous depleted uranium have a depleted conscience."   More...

Jeff Lindemyer is a student, a peace and justice activist, and a Swans' columnist.


More patterns which connect

Milo Clark:  When Did The Lies Begin?

Scott Nearing suggests that blowing up the battleship Maine (1898) in Havana harbor ended the American republic and began the empire.   More...

Milo Clark is a Swans' founding member, advisor and columnist.


Deck Deckert:  We May Have Waited Too Long

The Internet, myth has it, is a compelling counterweight to the corporate media that controls information in most of the Western world.   More...

A former copy, wire and news editor, Deck Deckert is a freelance writer. He is the author, with Alma Hromic of Letters from the Fire.


Serbia on our mind

Mile N. Tankosic:  A Power Game Made in Serbia

If you pick up any Serbian daily these days, you'll read about a motion to dismiss Mr. Dragan Marshichanin. The mentioned gentleman is the vice-president of the Democratic Party of Serbia...   More...

Mile Tankosic is a freelance web-designer who currently lives in Canada.


Serious Humor

Matthew J. Barry:  Support Christ and Your Local Library

Imagine my surprise when I saw the following inscription on a walkway outside the brand new public library: "Christ Died For Our Sins. He Rose Again. 1 Cor 15:3-4."   More...

Matthew J. Barry is a member of the Freedom From Religion Foundation from Redmond, Washington.


Poetical Satire - Freedom & Liberty

Ambrose Bierce:  Freedom

Freedom, n. Exemption from the stress of authority in a beggarly half dozen of restraint's infinite multitude of methods. A political condition that every nation supposes itself to enjoy in virtual monopoly.   More...

Ambrose Bierce [1842-1914], was an American newspaper columnist, satirist, essayist, short-story writer, and novelist.


From the Archives

Wendell Berry:  Lest We Forget

He came from killing. He had felt the ground shaken by men and what they did. Where he was coming from, they thought about killing day after day, and feared it, and did it.   More...


Cynthia Rylant:  Short Excerpts of "I Had Seen Castles"

After three months of combat, my sureness of why I was there and why we were fighting completely disappeared. I had seen too many dead enemy boys...   More...


Simon Weston:  Excerpt of the prologue to Bloody Hell

Sometimes I think I never went to war—war came to me. It hit, burned, changed, and tempered me. And taught me many things.   More...



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Created: December 23, 2001