Simone Alié-Daram, according to the 1989 "International Who's Who of Professional & Business Women" (page 12), was born on 12 May 1939 in Toulouse, France. The entry goes on: "Lecturer and Assistant Professor. M. Leonce Daram, 29 Nov. 1983, 1 son, 1 daughter. Education: St Thomas d'Aquin School, Lycee St Sernin, Toulouse; MD, University of Toulouse Medical School, 1967; Diplomas of Hematology, 1964, Bacteriology, 1968, Immunology, 1968, MSc, Science Faculty, 1971. Appointments: Extern, Toulouse Hospital, 1960-64; Teaching Assistant, University of Toulouse Medical School, 1964-69, Associate Professor, 1970-84, Assistant Professor, 1984-; Medical Practice, CRTS, Toulouse; Lecturer, Purpan, Head Researcher, Foetomaternal Immunization Laboratory, 1964-; Head of Science, Blood Products, CRTS, 1976-. Creative Works include: 'In Utero Treatments of Rh Haemolytic disease: First intrauterine transfusion in France' (with A. Baux and R. Bierme); 'Preventive Treatment of Foetoplacental anasarca: Immunologic pathogenesis of anasarca'; Oral Rh treatment for severely immunized women; various other articles. Memberships: French Society of Immunology, Institut Pasteur, Paris; Harvard Medical School Lecturer, 1981. Honours: Special Prize, Toulouse Hospital non Resident Assistant Concourse, 1960; Gold Medal, Medical School Laureate, 1967; French National Academy of Medicine Laureate, Georges Hayen Prize, 1968. Hobbies: Opera; Photography; Classical music."

Simone went on with a distinguished teaching career until she recently retired. She also never forgot her own humanity that the Who's Who ignored. Not only did she take care (and keep taking care) of kids, children, grandchildren, and friends, she has written poetry and essays galore in French.

Simone has been contributing to Swans since April 2009. She is a driving force behind our French Corner, launched on April 6, 2009. You can read her French bio there.

Her work can be accessed in the yearly archives, at:

2009 || 2010 || 2011 || 2012

Voilà ses yeux, sa bouche, et déjà son audace.
—Racine (Andromaque)

Swans - ISSN: 1554-4915
Created: April 3, 2007
Last Updated: December 25, 2011